Let your longings direct your feelings and actions in September Friend!
But firstly! How did gentle letting go of and lightness go in August for you Did you find out which operating mode is bringing you the results you desire?
Well, keep lightness in mind and in your energy field in August too.
September is definitely opening up new pathways. If you really acted in behalf of your heart desires, personal growth, and applied necessary changes in the last three years or so, than these new pathways will be without obstacles. But that does not mean that you won’t have to invest your energy in to your progress.
Every path that leads uphill requires a bit more energy. Keep that in mind in September, because you are definitely spiraling upwards.
It is important to gather all of your strength, but again in an effortless manner, and focus on what is truly important in life.
This time for real. No excuses!
If some of the healing and pealing of the old stuff will happen more intensely, so what, it certainly will do far less painful than perhaps ever in the future or the past.
When walking uphill, it is better to go without any excess baggage.
Just a few days ago I was at the Poetry and Wine Festival in Ptuj. There I met my primary school Slovene teacher. I heard that she walked the CAMINO – pilgrimage route that starts in south of France and ends in Portugal. This is also one of the things on my bucket list, so naturally I had many questions for her from, how she managed to walk the whole way, how much time she needed, how it looks-feel like, etc. Normal questions.
She said that she went there with a friend and that they had a huge fight on their second day, so they decided to split and continue the pilgrimage on their own.
It is no coincidence that this information came in handy just as I was working on intuitive guidance for the month. It is also interesting that our conversation stopped right there, because the program of Wine & Poetry festival just started, and attracted our attention.So! Look at where you are in September, and apply this principle when planning your pathway for the month as it can really be obstacle free.
Dispose all excess baggage, have your eye on the ball and move courageously forward – only upwards. NO drama!!!