When I am connecting with the collective energies of the month and asking what is it that will bring my readers the most excellent benefits in achieving their goals, steering energy and managing any challenges, no matter where my mind wants to lead me, which naturally gives me its suggestions, I always return to my center, where the right answers are.
The latter is also a hot tip for you in August, as well as in general. This ability is also one of the advantages that many years of regular work brings about that intuitive leadership can even penetrate my mind.
The use of intuition in practice has been emphasized for years, but this time in the context of how to GET into THE FLOW WITH PROSPERITY.
In August, several keys will be available for the long-term creation of prosperity. But, you will have to be very mindful of finding them.
You will notice them if:
– you will be able to relax and be in you center at least 80% of our time (100% is recommended, of course),
– you will have your great vision in mind and your heart the feelings that arise when the goal is reached (although perhaps at this moment it is not yet reached),
– you will be able to restrain from panic while on the path, which may be full of challenges, and will follow your goal despite them.
Yes, August will seem to be generous, but it will not necessarily be easy.
It can be pretty dramatic. In addition to all the planets that are in opposition and retrograde movement, there is also saturated energy in the air, which we are actually producing ourselves. And since we are only cells in one body of consciousness, this energy affects all of us.
It will be important in August that you do not fall into overall apathy, or a herd instinct, or dumbness. Yet if you ‘re thinking of shutting yourself down from society and living, stop. You can’t hide from the energy. Running away from the world just so you can successfully create your own won’t be a recipe for achieving your goals in August.
On the contrary. Go out into the world. Get on the wave of opportunities that will bring you through mass apathy over the dense energies that will be in the air. The latter will be the theme of August.
If you followed the Julys Intuitive guidance and tips, you have already actively implemented some improvements in your life that will enable you that. If you have not yet, do not delay with them and have to devote them urgently in the first days of August.
When introducing improvements, you will now have Mercury retrograde by your side. Yes, in this case, Mercury in the retrograde movement will be helpful. But I have the feeling that that path can be crossed by your “oversized” ego. Do not take this too personally. I’m not saying your ego is oversized. But collectively, the latter can be potentiated by all of us. Just keep that in mind.
Modesty (not a fake one) will be your ally in August because your clear vision will not be blurred, but in the trace of this quality, bright and sharp.
In particular, you will need the clarity in the coming months. So start to cultivate it in August.
With love, Tamara
P.S. Here are Intuitive guidance highlights
It will indeed become clear to you, which talents are to help you fulfill your purpose.
A challenge can arise in the form of a transformation of matters from previous lives.
Steer your energy into recognizing the feelings of anger and hatred, especially towards yourself.
Order your personal Intuitive reading for the month. Send it to: