We can no longer ignore the fact that we are an indivisible part of the universe, interplanetary motions, this planet, galactic connections, and each other. All these forces work either synchronously or cause great tension because of the opposite poles colliding. Nevertheless, they are forcing us to stop and awaken.

The things that are not aligned with you and may have consciously or subconsciously let slide past you or have blinded your eyes before them in the past with you will no longer remain hidden.
The energy of February will point to all the small errors in the decisions that we have taken for the wrong reasons. I suggest that you use the beginning of the month for some revision of your life, and look at the compromises you have made from the “wrong” reasons.

We are continually carrying out business audits, right? If you are in an entrepreneurial world, you know how rigorous they are and what their purpose is. What about the revisions of your life, of your decisions and actions?


I suggest that in February you put on the shoes of the auditor, which is subject to the strict laws of the universe. The universe as an auditor acts explicitly in vibration, cause-effect, and does not allow errors there.

You can close your eyes for just a few minutes, make an intention, and let the auditor in you – your higher self – revise your life. It may be that a movie of your life will unfold in front of you, which will show the sequences that represent the cracks in your consciousness that you still need to repair.

Write down everything that will come and perform the exercise in February as many times as possible. That way, you will also speed up your success in everything are you striving for.

If the energy of February is still a bit graceful, I have the feeling that the next few months will no longer be. The energies of the coming months will uncompromisingly demand from us to give the best we can, or ultimately succumb to external forces, which will lead us from the path of inner satisfaction, happiness, and prosperity.

This fact does not mean that you should be afraid if you do not do your best. No! This happening only means that where you may still be a bit lazy, quick turns and lessons can occur. The more you will be inclined to make decisions based on mentality; because it is so much more comfortable like …(fill in the blanks), and not because it is right and in line with my values and heart, the bigger the lessons and dissatisfaction and thus the lack of energy, time, money.

So I warmly advise you to take an active stand in February. Do not overthink things, do not weigh, but accept empowered decisions where both internal leadership and mind are coordinated and act like the best team.

It is vital that you take responsibility for your cracks in consciousness caused by ignorance, fear, comfort zone, and so forth. However, your responsibility does not end here. It is also necessary to accept responsibility for cracks in the consciousness of humankind.

The key question that I suggest you ask yourself in February – and fond an answer to is:
How can I become a better person, a better professional, a better mother, a father, a better partner, a better friend, a better resident of the planet?

These answers will serve you in February as an indicator of the decision making and quick manifestations of purpose.

Things are happening at a speed of light, as the vibration of the planet has risen and is still rising. Therefore, it may seem that the time is moving faster. In reality, time is not linear but parallel, although it looks like a linear one in the consciousness of a person. Human is physically limited and is still subjected to physical and biological laws and is not fully aware of their limitlessness. If you realize this and keep working on it, you will also be able to manage your time better, and in some way subordinate it to your purpose.


There is still a free TIME CHALLENGE available that will help you manage time better. Look for it here.


I am also releasing a brand new MEDITATION FOR COUPLES on Valentin’s day, which you can order by the 10th of February at the prerelease price € 14, € 10. I am promising that it will be gratifying and sexy. You can place an order here:


In any case, the acceleration is happening, and the faster than you will be able to release the old and worn out the quicker will be progressing.


Dealing with various fears and wounds from the past will be the biggest challenge in February.


The abundance that will be so available to us in February comes from the abandonment of addictions. Steer your energy into building your golden palace and its visualisation.



Tamara Belsak

Author Tamara Belsak

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