November begins its energy in silence. The day is shorter in the northern hemisphere, the world has closed down again, we need more peace than before. I know I do.


November feels quite like the come before the storm that will eventually blow up lower energies and allow a ray of solar – vital, optimistic energy in and enable us to breathe freely again. Perhaps this peacefulness before the storm signifies a moment before a new birth happens. A birth whose path is pure potential is completely open and can go forward or backward or in any direction.


I feel that people who are working on raising their vibes every day are like obstetricians.


I also feel that we needed more freshness and vitality, which is why my conversations with the creator resulted in a new meditation – SCALAR MEDITATION for physical renewal and vitality. It will be available in December at the Passionate Living Christmas Fair.


November positively brings silence and darkness. It encourages us to connect in silence with the voice of love, the flow of positive energy, and to create a network of love that extends across the planet and outwards, into other dimensions, other solar systems, and across the universe to the creator.


Just as I was writing those words, came the thought of all the hungry children of this world, especially in Slovenia, which is difficult for me to understand at all. I took a look at the screen next to me from which came wonderful instrumental music from Tim Janis, intended to pray for peace, and on that screen, in addition to the wonderful nature, ocean, whales and dolphins, mountains, turtles, seals I saw the words of Mother Teresa, which synchronously matched the message of the Intuitive guidance of the month and my thoughts:


»Go out into the world today and love the people you meet.

Let your presence light new light in the hearts of people.«


The web of love is made in silence in the dark and without words.


November is the month of darkness but in a good way. There may though be more trauma, distress, and, above all, sadness in November. Therefore, we are collectively encouraged to spend time in solitude, with ourselves and with our emotions, but focused on love and gratitude. Here comes the note that if you face the challenges of isolation, grief, trauma, and hardship, to seek professional help, someone who can help you with integration into the web of love and gratitude!


If you take this time to be alone and be in the dark with a stance on love, even if you move through emotional phases such as sadness, anger, distress, there will probably soon be light coming out of darkness, and the matter will emerge into the form into which you have channeled your love.

It could be quite concrete, like:


  • a new opportunity for income and higher revenues,
  • harmonious partnership,
  • pregnancy,
  • erasing grief from the physical field of energy,
  • opening of borders,
  • end of “pandemic”,
  • replacing the ruling structures that are based on restrictions, promotion of fear and expanding the energy of survival,
  • harmonious relationships,
  • the norm of health,
  • ad your intentions to the list, i.e. anything you will pay attention to in the darkness and gratitude.


November manifests itself as the month of the uterus. It is not going to be good, not bad if I can even label it like that. But, what is the purpose of the uterus? In the dark, cozy and peaceful place ideas are formed and receive a form and everything they need to come to life in material form.


After November 3, Mercury is also going into direct movement, which is a planet of re-vision and finalization of things that we have put off, to put it simply. It brings technical and communication problems when it is in retrograde. When in direct motion, it’s time for new beginnings.


Independence or immunity from any vibrations that are lower than love will be the vibration of the month. It’s time to wake up even more and create our destiny. No one’s going to take care of us unless we take care of ourselves. It’s only when we’ve taken good care of ourselves that we can take care of others. However, to establish this immunity and independence in the world, it will still have to be transformed, master the darkness within itself and use it to manifest an even stronger light.


Quite specifically, this means that November is favorable for a perfect reset, at least in the first few days of the month. Just like we reset the computer. We will need to clean up ballast, excess stuff, physical – emotional – emotional-energetic – for the spiritual system to update, perhaps even replace the processor and replace it with a better one.


I have put the following in the spotlight several times in recent months, and in November, there is another strong message that the reset means that we are being transformed and starting to live what we feel.


So in November, plant, quite concretely, the seeds of new beginnings, new directions, but only after 5 November. Let the planet Mercury fully focus on direct movement.



If you feel that now is the time:

  • for freedom,
  • more meaningful living and want to shape your knowledge, talents, and desire to help others into tangible programs,
  • work online, which also allows you to work more freely and work even in times of exceptional change, and to set up a business structure to generate 5 K monthly incomes, I invite you into the PASSIONATE LIFE BUSINESS ACADEMY. Inclusion in the Academy is possible after a preliminary introductory call, which you can book here.


I wish you a peaceful November, the courage to live according to your heart, free and independently.


With love, Tamara




Decisions taken peacefully in November will bring peace of mind by the end of the year. The latter will also be the best possible trip for the new year.



The challenge will be in the ability to go into action and plant seeds in both the inner and outer worlds. The challenge will also be in maintaining cost-effectiveness and generally in the distribution of one’s energy.



Rise to the throne of feminine leadership (regardless of gender). Lead with compassion, grace, wisdom, and love with all your being. Follow your life’s mission and purpose and serve the divine feminine on this planet from the space of inner spiritual authority.

Tamara Belsak

Author Tamara Belsak

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