I would like to share one of my experiences with Joshua. I first saw him in one of meditations many years ago. Totally surprised, I questioned myself, what is he doing here, what is the purpose of this vision?

Being raised as atheist, it was really weird. In my culture Jesus has everything to do with the church. It was until I got spiritually more awaken that I found out that this has nothing to do with Catholic Church.

I didn’t know then, what I know now. Fast forward. Years later I slowly understood. He was one of my guides, bringing me divine guidance and healing whenever I needed it.

In another meditation that I coincidentally joined, and we know there are no coincidences; Mary Magdalene had a special message for me. She told me we were like sisters many lives ago. I learned then, that I lived in the same village with them, with Mother Mary. My name was Margaret then.

We baked bread and took care of children togetherJoshua included. It was not until I was in my thirties and had my own family, that I discovered that passion in me. I love baking bread. People always told me it is hard to make bread, but when I tried for the first time, it came so easily to me.

In another meditation that I coincidentally joined, and we know there are no coincidences; Mary Magdalene had a special message for me. She told me we were like sisters many lives ago. I learned then, that I lived in the same village with them, with Mother Mary. My name was Margaret then.

We baked bread and took care of children togetherJoshua included. It was not until I was in my thirties and had my own family, that I discovered that passion in me. I love baking bread. People always told me it is hard to make bread, but when I tried for the first time, it came so easily to me.


Tamara Belsak

Author Tamara Belsak

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