I was putting off writing this Intuitive guidance until the last minute. It is almost impossible to describe the moment we’re in. All I feel is that it’s extremely important that we’re awake and 100% present.

I was so anchored into the now. Perhaps in those last days of November, I felt the now it the way I should. To just be. Regardless of all the 1,000 balls, I had in the air, I was capable of catching each one gently, with a lot of time in between the moments. That way, not even one fell to the ground.

The mantra that I am sharing this month with you came as my talisman of potentness and an extension of my energy field. It helps me heal and replenish the connection between the spirit and the body. Right now, that’s my best protection. The significance of the latter is also highlighted in December.








I hope you have your mantra, too, or maybe mine inspired you to shape it and finish the year full of energy, inspiration, and gratitude for the journey up until now.

As every year in December, I am offering personalized Intuitive guidance for 2021. It will lead you to live the best possible version of yourself. Intuitive guidance comes on 3 pages. You will learn more about where the energy of the year will support you, where you may have challenges, and where to steer your energy to joyfully and successfully co-create a better world for yourself and others. You can order it here, for only 80€ (120€) until Xmass.




This year I am also supporting you with a special talisman for love for yourself and an amulet for energy protection.


They are available for only 11€ (18€) until Xmass.



Click here to order amulet


The shipping is free within the EU.



Any thoughts that would keep you away from this moment in December are superfluous. Do not worry about the future, do not worry about what was, but rather find reconciliation within you. When you do that, you’ll clean up tons of the luggage that still needs to be left behind so that you can cross over to a new Aquarius era better version of you.




Clearing, clearing, clearing is the best advice that comes in December. I heartily recommend the Ho’oponopono technique, which I was intensively testing in October and it helped me make a breakthrough in managing time, energy, abundance, and relationships. When you book a private session with me in December, you will also get a personalized use of Ho’oponopono. I am offering private 1-hour sessions in December for 20% off, now for only 199€ 250€.





December will be a fairly quiet month because we’ve gotten used to turbulences this year, haven’t we? However, things that have been disguised, distorted, or manipulated will still be revealed, and the truth will be even more at hand, visible, and difficult to wrap our brains around.


Our job is not to become indifferent and not to blend in with what is vibrating on very low vibration, but to wake up and create a better reality for all. 


As within, so without. 


The latter is a law which, to put it simply, says that nothing outside could have been made if it had not already been created on the inside. Your outside world is an exact reflection of your inner world. This is how your lessons on Earth are presented to you.

This awareness is an important and excellent starting point for clearing processes in December. Pay attention in December to sorting out matters such as papers, finance, content, online presence, if you’re in business, attitude towards yourself, which will lead to the transformation of all other relationships. Regulate your diet, arrange your home, and also all areas of your life. It’s time to rearrange things. If there’s one thing I’ve learned this year, it’s who I want to continue my journey with, both privately and businesswise. The year just crystallized it all. My daily work and the joy of service showed it. The journey isn’t over yet, it’s just begun. I feel that after many years of diligent and consistent work on improving my material-spiritual presence, I have finally leaped. I’m not going back, and that realization brings great relief.

If you focus on what needs to be rearranged, what needs to be cleared in December, and do the work, there’s probably going to be a gap at the end of December. You must know what you’re going to fill it with so that it doesn’t suck you in and influences the balance of your psycho-physical well-being. Until then, the month will be full of everything. It also shows that global things are going to start to calm down, but it won’t be easy, because the system that has stood for the last 5,000 years is cracking at the seams. Keep in mind that the system needs to dissolve if we want to move from a culture of lack, constant wars, and fear to a culture of creativity, prosperity, heart intelligence, and intuitiveness. The letter feels like a pleasant excitement.

That is why it comes down to channeling our energy in December into three very simple but fundamental things:


1. Physical vitality and virtue.

2. Strengthening awareness of oneness.

3. Mental clarity and real-time correction of forced or unforced thoughts and raising their vibrations to love and upwards.

Those of you who have been or are in the Elite MIND PROGRAM have all the necessary tools to do so. All you need is to use the tools I gave you.

As within, so without also means that:

• We’re the economy.

• We are a collective one.

• We have an immune system that is cancerous when each cell acts in its way or is healthy when all cells breathe as one.

• We’re the government. That’s a wrong word. When I hear the words our government, it just squeezes my heart and throat. The government should be called “in the service of the people” or something…

• We are the joy.

•We are empowering individuals in a common field of oneness.


Once again, I encourage you to listen to your intuition in December and to use common sense in decision-making. There are so many things we don’t know yet that other people are telling us about how to perceive them, saying they know more.

However, among all the information, it is necessary to separate the seed from the weed and to use intuition and common sense to discern the truth. I’m not talking about the ego that wants to keep you where you are. I’m talking about a higher self who wants to help you open up to receiving new knowledge.

From March on of this year, it was pointed out that we need to learn new things and start doing things we were putting off. If you haven’t done anything about it by now, it’s high time you did it in December. However, if you have been intensively gaining new skills, knowledge since March, start bringing them together now so that in the coming year you can share them with the world in an empowered way. This world needs just that.

We’re moving into a wonderful time. An important date for this transition is, as you may already know, December 21, when there will be a wonderful but energetically powerful cosmic moment. Prepare for it the best you can. We will prepare for it at our December online gathering of Intuitive leaders with such a very special meditation.

You will find practical ideas on how to enhance your connection to spirit and preparation for a transition from 3 to 5 D reality in my ebook: HOW TO BLAST THROUGH TO YOUR PERSONAL POWER USING INTUITION: SIMPLE STEP BY STEP SYSTEM TO ACHIEVE MEANINGFUL GOALS (Personal Power and Goals) Find it here.


I wish you a beautiful and glittering December and moments full of content, hope, and vision.



Love, Tamara



December will encourage questioning about whether there is any better choice, what we want, and how to exempt ourselves from the path that humanity is going through. It will take a lot of effort to get a positive outcome from opposite sides, if at all possible. The odds are slim.


There has been a split between one part of the world’s population and another part. There are cracks and divisions within our communities and families. Accepting the latter will be one of the major challenges. There will also be bigger challenges where it hurts the most, both in emotional relationships and in the area of finance.


Change is coming. Probably very large. By reorganizing and learning to operate according to the law of synchronicity, with the rhythm of energies, you will shine exceptionally. Awakening will be massive, so direct your energy to the awareness that we are in the process of a massive awakening.

Tamara Belsak

Author Tamara Belsak

More posts by Tamara Belsak

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