Dear reader, do you remember that in September I wrote and talked about the fact that the seeds we are going to sow will already bear rich fruit in October?



I am thus starting this Intuitive guidance with my heart project, which somewhere at the level of understanding, when there was still a long way to go, actually began to take shape in 2012 and developed and was finally born through this rather long birth canal. Well, the final very strong seeds were sown and nurtured in September when this heart project of mine was sent to the printing press.


With great pride and enthusiasm, I share with you my work JOY 2022 – a desktop calendar with dolphins, bearers of joy consciousness, their messages, intuitive tips for each month, and 6. dimensional Blue Ray meditation. Both will soon be available for preorder.




Economically, October will be an extremely volatile period, as the old systems will become even more exhausting than before and will require even more energy to survive. However, liberation will probably come for those of you who are one step ahead of the times in the economic field as well.


Maybe a long-standing idea will come to life, maybe freer, different forms of work and cooperation will come to life, and maybe past financial investments will pay off so much. October will be a beautiful month full of opportunities. If you want to talk to someone about the way you work or work, make sure that communication is clean and that it comes from the field of love and power. Such arrangements will fall on fertile ground in October.


Yet we still live in a world of polarity. Therefore, on one hand, it will seem as if the ground under your feet is literally collapsing, and on the other, new, golden opportunities will open up. It is necessary, as has been the common thread of previous months, to strengthen confidence that there is some higher consciousness that keeps things both balanced on Earth and in space.


We are also part of this consciousness. It will always be easier to connect to it – to this universal internet – so understanding of this will also multiply. As a result, old things will crumble as they will no longer vibrate. This transition will not be easy as it will not be a slow transformation. However, it will also happen that some things will simply cease to exist in our consciousness. However, what is material and anchored over millennia in the systems of functioning of human society will be difficult to eradicate, to transform. This process is already underway, but I feel that the roots must actually die for the systems to change. This is the hardest part. They can die when they have no more nutrients. Their food is our energy, thoughts, actions, and emotions such as fear, anger, and envy.


October is the time to MAKE THAT LEAP OF FAITH. It is necessary to go ahead and then think about how and what we will do in this sequel.


Mercury is in retrograde again and will stay there until October 18th, so start cleaning up residuals in any form, complete projects, everything that you may have been delaying so far. However, do not sign new contracts unless you have agreed to them beforehand. This time, I feel Mercury retrograde more as a safeguard that if we make the wrong decision, will block the further development, and those who are communicated from a clear field of consciousness, from peace and joy, will begin to move forward and be supported. These are all business matters, all real estate and investment matters, written or oral agreements.




If you haven’t dared to take the leap of faith by now, it’s almost imperative to take it in October. This comes again as a reminder that you can’t create something new and highly desirable if you don’t trust it 100%. It, therefore, strengthens confidence in yourself, in your intuition, and in your decisions. The Intuitive Leader program will be of huge help here, so I am inviting you to check it out.




  • In October, focus on yourself, your physical affairs such as your body, home, garden, as well as handling money and other material things. Take care of everything that will help you maintain a high psycho-physical vibration naturally.
  • Stay grounded and very awake.
  • Be aware of everything that is happening in your energy field and your wider environment, as well as globally. But also make sure that bad things do not affect you physically, mentally, and energetically. The worst thing that can happen to you in October is that you either get sick, fall into depression or apathy, and your life force is significantly weakened. The ring is squeezing. However, it is felt only by those who can still feel it vibrationally. Part of the world has already moved on.


It is time to tune in to inner power, setting up a five-dimensional light body, its fluidity, and disconnect from the 3D matrix. If you want to know how you can achieve that book a strategy call with me here.


I wish you an amazing October with a focus on opening up new opportunities for collaboration, living, serving, and living in general.


With love, Tamara


P.S. I have a few spots open for 1h intuitive coaching session. If you are not sure which path to take. If you need clarity about which direction to take and concrete actions steps that will help you achieve your intentions, book a session with me here. (€250)


October brings protection to all of us who will take the leap of faith, as well as an exponential increase in power, light, and a consequent rise in vibration.


If you were making yourself small and invisible. If you dimmed your light so that you could fit in, if you bowed to authority, even though you were not vibrationally aligned with it, these things will come to the fore again in October and will challenge you.


Be honest with yourself about your fears, relations with your loved ones, your work, co-workers, global and local events. Everything you manage to transform on this path will take you closer to living your life purpose.

Tamara Belsak

Author Tamara Belsak

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