Work with light actively
It’s been a tough year for me, because it’s been riddled with illness and death, with my mother’s passing in the Summer. It was a year of canceling the things we wanted to experience as a family and the complications around it, as well as the cancellation of the Passionate living retreats.
ut I didn’t take it to heart as something bad. I used the time that was created for mourning and offering free service to my community, to learn, to accumulate energy, to take greater care of my family.
Instead of flying to Bali, we visited Bosnia and Hercegovina and fell in love with the Bosnian pyramids end their energy, with Mostar and Neum. While the Hawaiian Mastermind was not implemented, a new program called Worth IT came to life in the trace of the void that emerged. There is also a retreat The path of Mary Magdalene that is waiting for its realization when the timing is right.
Participants in the Passionate living programs have had great successes. I donated more than 100 hours, financially supported organizations and individuals who work for the good of people, oceans, and dolphins, and helped people where they may not have been able to.
I am entering 2022 with optimism, a renewed vision, and some necessary rest in the first week of the year. I have a feeling, and especially since I had an insight into things when I was writing individual Intuitive Predictions for 2022, that this will be the year of realization of the deepest desires. Of course, this medal can have two sides like any other.
But if you’ve done your inner work so far, and especially intensively over the last two years of the job, if you’ve started acting differently than before and introduced concrete physical changes to your life, this year these aspirations will manifest themselves, or if they are larger, they will start to show the beginnings.
I wish you a joyous year 2022 and a wonderful start if the year. I am inviting you to start by filling your energetic and physical body with light. It is available in large and very high-frequency quantities.
With that the apparent pressures, control, and intentionally induced mentality of lack and shortages of goods that I feel is about to begin to create will have no impact on you.
This is simple, and I invite you to dedicate a few moments to this “refill” like this:
1. Breathe in and out.
2. Calm your mind and focus only on deep breathing in the abdomen through the nose and exhaling through the nose.
3. Feel the joy in your heart and how each cell in the body begins to vibrate at this frequency. Feel everything under the vibe of joy leaving the body.
4. And now step under the waterfall of beautiful high-frequency gold-white light, which is flowing in rainbow frequencies at the edges.
5. Stay under this waterfall as long as you want and allow this light to enter your body through the crown and place it in every cell of your body, organs, lymph, nervous system, muscles, and bones.
6. With this light you can also virtually wash your face, your body, your clothes, your devices, vehicles, pets…
7. Say thank you and I am anchoring the result and start the year with this vibe.
8. Now that you’ve created it, you can always go back to it.
Start the year by reactivating your energy system, which is very important so that you can navigate the year on the vibration of joy, abundance, and happiness. You’ll be helped by meditation 15 chakras. But I encourage you that if you haven’t done anything in this area, you’ll act gradually and do the first meditation of 12 chakras, then seven suns, and then the 15th chakras. The latter will also help you disconnect from the 3d matrix.
It is also our light that will help to the breakthrough of the light that is finally likely to happen this year. It’s up to us, so I’m encouraging you to hold on a little longer and be of service to the light.
I will be sharing an Intuitive prediction of the year in a video shortly, and you can also find the guidelines for particular in the Joy 2022 calendar, which will help you hold your vibe high, and make it easier to create the best version of your life in 2022. Please note that the calendar is only available in the Slovene language.
January 2022 is likely to be a linear month. A single line is drawn over the month, which is neither bright nor dark, nor does it matter. It suggests that there will be some kind of almost boring situation in January and that little will happen on the surface. Again, on the other hand, large amounts of high vibrational light are flowing in in January 2022.
We need light, darling. Without light, our cells don’t work to their full potential, our minds are limited and our vision is blurred.
But we don’t know that until we get to it. I know, it sounds a little philosophical, but I know from my experience that what I don’t know, and I don’t feel, I just don’t know, and that makes it harder to understand. January will be such a month, and if you’re willing to follow the light that I feel is rising, you’ll feel a lot better.
Somehow, I feel that the world will be even more divided between the people who follow false prophets and give them their power and those who follow their feelings and light and strengthen their power. In January, it may also be more difficult to define your feelings.
But there’s a message coming that that doesn’t mean there won’t be much going on behind the scenes. A breakthrough is underway in the coming months. There are further preparations underway for this.
What those of us who feel that something is fundamentally wrong in the world need to do is that we cultivate the light within ourselves, connect, build communities, empower ourselves, and open up to new concepts of doing and being, and making money.
We are creating a part of this story with the Worth IT program, which we are starting again soon. Get in on early birds. I want everyone to understand that we no longer need to work hard, stay in jobs that only reflect how little we are worth, and open up to the abundance that is available in unlimited quantities.
There is a strong message for January that we remain within ourselves and prepare the ground for the common good.
It seems that the individual and our personal goals are no longer at the forefront. If you are in the making of your new vision board, I encourage you to include a vision of a 5D world in it;
• in which all people develop their talents, participate (and do not fight),
• in which disputes are resolved through deeper mediation, through which the tasks of the soul of individuals in conflict (and not in court) come to the fore,
• in which food is prepared with love and gratitude,
• where people are healthy and if they become ill, frequency healing is taking place and
• in which, as I see, there is no longer a need for money as an exchange.
I look forward to this world and co-creating it with joy.
This linear line showing the month of January is actually an incentive to finally say to ourselves that we no longer want to live and work the way we did, because I see many heads down, lost life’s energy, and loss of will to fight like peaceful warriors and to raise our heads and start building the world we have come here to build.
I love you, and I’m grateful for you being a part of the Passionate Living community.
Love, Tamara
The energy of the month will be encouraging us to persevere. No matter how far away your goal may seem, you will be able to persevere and stick to your high vision of a better world.
This bright light you’re going to create will want to turn off the influence of controlling how bright you can shine and how much energy you can use. It will be all but attempted to close access to higher planetary frequencies.
This bright light you’re going to create will want to turn off the influence of controlling how bright you can shine and how much energy you can use. It will be all but attempted to close access to higher planetary frequencies.
RELATIONSHIPS: It’s time to regenerate relationships. Let it happen. Don’t force it.
LOVE: Yes! Trust your intuition.
FINANCE: Things will go your way. You’re the boss.
SOUL: A month of learning to be human, even though you are not from here.
CONSCIOUSNESS: Getting rid of old ideas brings success.
FLAME OF GRATEFULNESS: I gratefully accept my humanity and bring light and peace into this world.