The energy is very concentrated as if there is some kind of congestion. It’s like the calm before the storm. With this energy, we ended August and entered September. So what opportunities and challenges does September bring?


There will be economic upheavals, which may not be logical or the best for most people, but they will be necessary because the cleansing that has been going on since 2012 is now happening to the most rigid areas of our lives, which are certainly the economic and financial systems.


The destructive forces of lower vibrational energies will try to prevail. However, this powerful force only has destructive power if it encounters an obstacle. If there is no obstacle or resistance, it flies to infinity and slowly loses its power.


So the basic advice for September is to act with as little resistance as possible, with as little negativity as possible. If you are being treated unfairly, or if someone is “trying to invade your space by force”, September will not be the time to offer resistance or firmly set boundaries. Rather, let things unfold without resistance. You can set boundaries later if they will still be necessary. These things will most likely transform on their own. This is the best strategy for navigating the month and it applies to all areas of life.


Some differences will appear to be irreconcilable and all attempts to reconcile them will probably fail in September. But they will require a lot of energy. These will only be diversions and attempts to direct energies in the wrong direction to weaken your power, energy, and will. It seems that this matter will be rather chaotic, or rather the events will be accelerated. It will be best NOT to react to the first ball. Patience, or rather waiting, is offered as the best strategy.


Things will slowly become clearer, perhaps towards the end of the month. September is a month of observing and making decisions based on what is right for everyone. The pressures will be great, and it is quite possible that your nerves will give way. I have a feeling that at least the beginning of September is going to be pretty hectic. The best advice that comes with this is to switch off from everyday things and spend as much time as possible in contact with yourself, your soul, and your body. Nurture them and keep your vision of what is right.


Namely, we are in a long period of extraordinary energy upgrades, which can also release the energies of traumatic events from our personal lives, as well as collectively. No one is immune to it. But there are great tools out there that can help you make these upgrades as easy as possible to integrate. If you want to find out what can help you with this book a session with me here.


Globally there will be a lot going on and there may well be a new conflict between countries. I feel that part of the world will close off from another part. There will be no »normal« contact. I don’t know what it will look like, but intuitively it looks like it’s covered in fog. While the rest of the world remains lit. These nations will begin to wake up and begin to experience their renaissance and those who have been the most impoverished until now. The Old Continent and Africa will be somewhere in between. There is also a message that you should not worry because there will be enough of everything; food, energy, and other goods, including money.


Our common task is to work with light until this foggy part of the world – Asia – is also illuminated with light and sunshine. So, direct your energy into taking care of things that are necessary for a highly conscious manner. Modesty is at the fore.


It seems that challenges will be quite diverse, because you may have to say NO more often than YES if you want to act very consciously. A kind of (r)evolutionary energy is still coming to the fore. It is even more necessary than before to stand up for what is right. There will also be the biggest challenge of the month, because for many people, precisely because of the fear of survival, the image of what is right is often blurred. A narrow and short-term view is no longer an option. Every (r)evolution needs time and a long-term vision.




At the recent webinar How to create a healthy sense of self-worth and consequently increase the flow of financial abundance, the participants impressed me with their clear awareness of where the challenges are, and in which areas they have feelings of lack or low value. Nothing can replace the shared energy of a community of Passionateliving community, which offers a safe and transformational environment for a significant leap forward.


The WORTH-IT training also offers this support, as well as learning and transformation, as well as the extremely warm and supportive energy of the community. We are starting again soon and I invite you to join us. Click here.


You know what we’ve been through in the last few years. This is still happening and it is not very easy or comfortable for anyone. I invite you to come to WORTH-IT training and address the lies that keep you in the (dis)comfort zone. Transform them and lay the foundation for your self-worth and the anchoring of material abundance. Now is the time!


Endure these saturated energies, which will be quite present in the first half of the month, because towards the end of the month they will be blown away by the wind of the coming autumn. Do not offer resistance, because otherwise, you can end the month in exhaustion and an extreme lack of vital energy. There is a lot of transformative and high-vibrational light available. Walk through the month in its embrace and follow the vision you have set no matter what. Now is not the time to change vision or strategy.


I wish you a wonderful month spent with as little resistance as possible and with as much higher awareness of true freedom as possible.


With love, Tamara


The energies of September will encourage us to start returning to our true, human, and also instinctual nature. Authentic living connected to nature, off-grid, is coming to the fore.


In September, relationships that are not based on respect will be revealed, even if you persist in these relationships for a sense of security or some status. The latter will be false feelings and will undermine your sense of worth.


Don’t try too hard, but rather go with the flow. Because excessive effort will create blockages. Try to free yourself as much as possible from the burden of expectations towards yourself.

Tamara Belsak

Author Tamara Belsak

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