We are moving into the end of the month, when numerologically it is the most favorable time for manifestation of the year. Mercury is also going into direct movement, and things will start to move on without setbacks. I hope you’re done with the old. I went through deep physical cleansing, and I am slowly getting back in to my rhythm.


January kicked off with the energy of positive development. Go slowly, there’s no need to rush things. Let them come to you, which is the feminine way. And they will when you’re in the most optimal state of coherence of both the heart and the mind.


That’s why I hope you left the old behind in the last weeks of December. In January, it suggests that the things you’ve been working on in previous years will start realizing, if they haven’t already. Everything’s going to go faster, so I suggest you stay well organized. A good organization will be worth of gold in January and probably later in the year. But most of all, in addition to a good organization, you will be served with the ability to ground and persevere.


There’s a lot of talk about keeping yourself well-grounded in the esoteric world, isn’t it? As I like to show in the Tree of life, neither of the extremes is not good – not exclusively grounding, nor exclusive spiritual work. Check where you’re in that regards and strengthen the pole that’s less illuminated.



It’s always a ripe time for dreams, that’s true, but January is the time to ground that dream. Pull them into reality. Plan for how you’re going to make them happen and start following it through. It’s so simple. But not in the way I must, it has to happen, etc. No. Grounding your dreams with good organization will help them manifest. Because when you’re solely in meditation and dream spaces – although, do not get me wrong, exploration of your soul and potential as a soul should be a priority – things can quickly fly by in real time, somewhere else, rather than to you, if you don’t ground your dreams as suggested.


Whether your dreams are big or small, believe in them, with a well-worked plan and perseverance, you can make them come true. And no, you don’t need to know all the steps, just the first or the first few. The next steps will be illuminated as tou go along. Because where the light is strong, it illuminates even the darkest corners.


January looks like a month of purity. Here comes energy that resembles pure winter-spring air and clear. When you inhale it, it fills you with quality feelings. That’s why I advise you to breathe this energy very consciously in January, preferably on a hill or mountain.


It also looks like January will be a fresh start. For me I know it is. I did not respect my boundaries at the end of last year and got sick. Looking back, I feel I was in desperate need of a detox that the illness brought with it.


All the obstacles and problems that arise in our lives arise only because we are not aligned with our soul. When we achieve that, everything in our lives gets its meaning and flow.


However, no matter what you’ve been through in the past year, it’s probably going to be a lot easier in January. There’s an easier energy coming in, and if you let yourself receive it, it will lift you up and bring you into an easier state of flow.

You’re important. Every photon of light you have is important.




My advice is to start 2023 with the following resolution: I renounce all contracts that are not in my highest good and the highest good of all creations. I only work in harmony with the universal laws of creation. And so it is. Thank you.



Those of you who were part of the Elite Mind program have also received the laws of creation. I suggest you put them in a prominent place and perhaps to begin with weighing up your every thought, every decision you make through the prism of these laws. This will attract much more lightness to your life. It also means that if someone decides to go down the path of the light from now on, it will be much easier from now on.

At the December’s event, The Wisdom of Mary Magdalene, I received from my guide the following commandments that I would like to share with you:

  1. Be honest.
  2. Be true to yourself.
  3. Where darkness is, bring in the light.
  4. Be kind because you can.
  5. Share because you can.
  6. Love is a gift, share and accept it.
  7. The world goes on, accept that everyone in the world has their own path.
  8. Poverty can only be in the soul and never on a plate.
  9. Wealth is available in unlimited forms, but it must first be created within itself.
  10. Surrender to creating the world you want to live in.




Shape the path you want to walk. It’s not about what you want to have, how much you want to earn, who you want to be with, it’s about who you want to be, how you want to express yourself and how you do it. It also means that you need to dig into it now. With inertia and clarity that can be strengthened through deepening yourself and, as has already been said, a good organization you can achieve even more in the material world than before.


I wish you a wonderful January of deepening the connection to the source and grounding your dreams.

 It will be illuminated with beautiful golden-white light and sprinkled with lightness.


Love, Tamara


  • transform what is holding you back,
  • heal,
  • make a tangible plan on how to move towards your dreams,
  • let you guides show you what you may not see.

Here si what happens: “Something so profound and so transformative in me happened that I feel right about going to another dimension of perception…. great progress for me. I went into a conversation with you so carelessly that then I was a little embarrassed because I didn’t prepare a single specific question for you, but that’s probably why I got so much back. You really are a master, and your energy is the force of pure love. I’m immensely grateful that I chose you as my teacher. « – Petra Petek

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Tamara Belsak

Author Tamara Belsak

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