When we walk back or forward the timeline of our lives, especially if it happens intuitively, we always stop at important life turning points.


For myself, I can say that I was defined by life at a few crucial turning points. One of the most important ones was when I became a mother. I am dividing my life into before I became a mother and into life after I became a mother. These are two different, I could even say parallel worlds. These are two Tamaras. The first extroverted and a seeker of jewels from the outside, the second introverted and a seeker of jewels from the inside.


Where do you think, my dear reader, I found my jewels?


Of course, I found them in a rich inner and vibrational world. It is actually impossible to find them in the outer material alone.


The second positive turning point, at which my timeline split into an even more potent version of my life, occurred at my first live contact with dolphins, in 2012. All my knowledge began to take on a new dimension and a natural expansion of consciousness began. Those of you who have been to the Joy and Life Without Limitation with dolphins and whales lecture know how rich and colorful worlds dolphins and whales live in.

My dear children Tim and Tara and I with dolphins at the Hawaiian mastermind – Intuitive Leadership Retreat


Lidija Božič also says that for her there is life before the Hawaiian Mastermind and life after the Hawaiian Mastermind. Here is hers transformational story.

»After Tamara presented the Hawaii Mastermind program, I couldn’t let go of my desire to swim with free dolphins. The first major challenge was the decision itself; can I go at all, can I indulge myself, can I allow myself this retreat in view of the challenging situation within the family, my fears, doubts, and beliefs that I was facing after a few years of intensive work on my personal and spiritual growth.


But now, two months after the retreat, I can only say that for me, there is life before Hawaii Mastermind and life after the Hawaii Mastermind.


Intuitive Leadership retreat with Tamara is an unforgettable and great life experience, a turning point that transformed me into a joyful and creative state of being. After returning from the retreat, I have gradually, spontaneously, gently, barely noticeable created many changes in my habits, reflections, reactions, attitudes towards myself, other people, perception of reality.
I feel reassured, trustful, joyful, in acceptance, fears are disappearing, as if the last layer of everything that was moving me away from genuine self was removed.


This spiritual journey has changed me forever and transformed me from the caterpillar – which has been trying to unwind for long seven years from its own limitations – into a butterfly of rainbow colors. It has transformed me into a free, joyful, courageous person.


The energy of the island, the energy of the mighty volcano and lava, the energy of the magnificent ocean, the energy and the consciousness of wonderful, lovely dolphins, the angels of the oceans, who had taken me over more than I could possibly imagine, are gifts of creation that have anchored in each cell of my body forever in the unprecedented greatness.


I am grateful to myself, my spiritual and angel guides, and to the closest souls that have supported me, for the courage that I have allowed myself to disconnect from everyday life and to begin the most beautiful journey of my life…… a journey to myself, to my original essence.


Tamara as an excellent intuitive mentor has enabled me to open links to the consciousness of the creatures of light and creation, and major transformative processes have been activated. I am extremely grateful to you, dear Tamara, for taking on this wonderful mission in such a glorious way.


I am grateful for all the intuitive insights, orientations, confirmations, and exceptional heartful facilitation, mentoring, and support. I am grateful for the wonderful mastermind group, who, together with me, have been given invaluable experiences and the activation of a remarkable transformation.


The truth is that all the happenings and experiences deeply touched my soul, that changed me on a cellular level.


I am no longer the same as I was before. I experienced much, much more than I could ever imagine and received remarkable gifts of insights, the inner strength to allow myself to be the best version of myself and to live in joy and fulfillment, with renewed foundations, new goals, with full self-confidence and trust in my intuition and spiritual guidance and the universe.


Now when the experiences of Hawaii Mastermind are getting settled in and the results of movements that have been triggered by the program are happening, I see and perceive the wholeness, the mighty, the greatness, the power, and the immense proportions of the entire journey of Hawaii Mastermind – Intuitive Leadership Retreat and the value of time spent with intuitive mentor Tamara.


This program is for anyone who needs or is willing to allow shifts in their life to a higher frequency, aligned with the vibration of their core essence, their soul.«

Tamara Belsak

Author Tamara Belsak

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