Recently, I was confronted with the reality of where we are as humanity when I gave the opportunity to my community to ask the consciousness of dolphins and whales about where we are going as humanity. It wasn’t about being able to ask personal questions; it was about humanity. Only one person took advantage of this opportunity. That was grounding for me. Everyone else just wanted – and here they actively participated – an insight into their energy field, which I did, of course, with pleasure and an open heart.
My broader purpose is to create an environment in which we open our hearts to the pure consciousness of the Sorce and the high vibrational energies of joy, love, and happiness. Despite my sincere intention and joyful surrender to give service and look into the energy fields of participants, thus channeling concrete advice for success, I was a little disappointed that, apart from one person, no one else was interested in what the consciousness of dolphins and whales had to say about where we are going as humanity, or what we can do to progress more quickly on the path of ascension.
Taking into account the good for all is essential when manifesting our personal goals and desires. It’s important to consider the broader perspective and how our actions can benefit everyone. When intentionally manifesting and striving for something, it’s crucial to include the bigger picture and ensure that it is good for everyone involved. Many people struggle to fulfill their desires because they fail to understand this concept.
They may become frustrated when they see others effortlessly pursuing their goals while they face obstacles. It’s often easier to succumb to external pressures or give up power rather than step out of their comfort zone and shedding the struggles of survival, victimhood, and trauma to move forward freely.
Therefore, I was led to make a brief insight into the chakras of humanity, which is a being of oneness, one great body within the body of the source. The messages that came in are.
The symbol of humanity is the upright eight, which is a symbol of unity and represents the connection with the source and the earth. Illuminated by a bright golden white light, it also hints at the Christ consciousness, which is the consciousness of humanity. Metaphorically, what was possible for him is also possible for us when we align ourselves with it vibrationally.
The first chakra of humanity indicates improper functioning. It is taking energy inward but with a wrong perception of reality. The message came that we are still in a perception of lack. This chakra needs to be cleaned and adjusted, and I will be focusing on that in the coming months.
The second chakra of humanity is working in a distorted way. Energy is held back, as well as emotions, to avoid things that we really should be dealing with. At the same time, there is also an aggressive-passive split, where the passive side is collectively more developed. As humanity, we may still be too passive and absorb what is projected to us into our systems and absorbing this information, which in turn naturally affects us and the collective consciousness of humanity.
The third chakra, which is the source of our collective power, is also unhealthy. Its aggressive-passive split indicates that the aggressive side dominates. The messages that came through it were that we are enemies to one another. Everyone is fighting for their own survival and this is blocking progress to higher levels of consciousness and abundance. That’s why we’re in this collective loop. That is, we manifest exactly what we fear and do not understand that the universe is bringing us opportunities to rise above it through this. This crossing, this bridge, is still the most difficult to build, but it can be built.
The heart chakra of humanity weakly rotates in the right direction and points to our humanity, this original essence of ours, of which the ability to feel is an essential part. Because emotions, an open heart, and compassion give us humanity. But there are a lot of traumatic historical events in the heart chakra. These need to be enlightened and purified from the consciousness of humanity, which is very difficult because written and educational history keeps these events alive.
The throat chakra of humanity gives off energy. It seems unhealthy, and inharmonious and suggests that reality is being actively projected onto us, similar to The Wizard of Oz. This means that we are still in a 3D matrix.
The third eye of humanity, this awakening, is unhealthy because we are sending emotions and energy to the spiritual so that we don’t have to do anything. We are asking, we are manifesting, we are sending out rockets of desires, we are praying, but we are not active enough to ground what we get back through our intuition. We are on the path of awakening but not yet where we need to be. The message came that this is likely to happen all of a sudden, once all of these traumatic events have cleared out of the collective consciousness.
The story continues through the crown chakra, where the path to divinity is open, but there is no grounding of this idea of oneness, which is based on the energies of compassion, joy, love, inner peace, and enlightenment. This is where the greatest dissonance between the material and spiritual worlds comes in, as well as the understanding in the collective consciousness of humanity that we are all one. In addition, the understanding that we are first and foremost spiritual beings before material beings and that as long as we are in this physical body, we are also material beings with our spiritual essence, which we have come here to realize. This, however, has been concealed because a different reality is still projected from the one that is real and possible in this material world.
March 7 – 15 2025

February 15 – 22 2025
This retreat blends serene relaxation, intuitive and mindset work in a tropical oasis on the north coast of the Dominican Republic to cultivate powerful energy for your next level.

FREE RESOURCES that will help you connect to your inner guidance
- Ebook: Master Intuition and become the most intuitive and confident person in the room. Click here for a download.
- Free guided meditation: Joy with dolphins. Click here and enjoy it.
- 30 min. clarity call. Clik here and book your free call.
October is the month of activity. We are required to actively ground spiritual messages, the spiritual essence of both the individual and humanity. The consciousness of oneness wants to express itself through us in this world. Together, we are creating the mosaic of the Golden Age with the aspiration of creating a society in which there will be no lack, no traumas, killings, murders, wars, and cruelty to nature, animals, or fellow human beings.
Individually, action in this direction is required. All of us who act in this way will open ourselves to receiving a powerful, energetic acceleration that will lift us on our path and open up the path and opportunities to live on an even higher vibration.
Our lives will begin to change radically in October.
There is a possibility for major life changes and upheavals, from the way of living, the location of residence, the way of acting, socializing, etc. In particular, the change of environment comes to the fore.
At the same time, I wonder what will happen to those who are not ready for such big changes. The answer, or rather the vision that I have received, is that what they are currently struggling with, or what is the biggest point of their pain, will intensify or trap them in some kind of energy cage in which they will not be able to see a positive way out. Therefore, it will also be difficult to help them. They will become prisoners of their consciousness. Many of them will also leave our planet.
The October energies are best used to stay in harmony with our spiritual essence how we live and our way of life in general. When we know how to relax enough, all things will begin to come to us, because the universe wants to support us on our soul path.
Anything that is not aligned with the soul path will be a challenge in life. This started to happen to me intensely when I got a dolphin call, or rather when I managed to hear it and answer it. They became my teachers and later also whales. Only then did I manage to relax to the point that I simply trusted that my soul was guiding me on the highest path for me.
I want to share some of that energy with you at the Hawaii Mastermind, Intuitive Leadership retreat. Click here for more information.
Only when we are at the higher vibrations, that is, on the fifth dimension or upwards, will the planet support us so that the climatic conditions on the planet will also be more favorable. The message came that the climate belts would no longer be as distinctly polar as they are now. We will be able to produce more food, but we will also need less. We will live on a combination of very high vibrational food, high vibrational energy, and water. Water is the basic building block of our physical existence. There will be no shortage of food in the future.
At the moment, however, we are coming to an intermediate phase in which food will either be poisoned or will not be produced because it will not be possible to produce it due to drought or too much rain. The message came that the buildings would also go green. Therefore, anyone who has one square meter of some space, whether on window sills, balconies, or around their home, will be able to grow at least some of their own high-vibrational food. The more people will start growing their food in this way, the higher the vibration of the environment in which it will be proven. And the love and devotion of these people will contribute to this.
October will be a multifaceted month. There will be bursts of really wonderful energy of inspiration. At the same time, there will be energy coming that can swipe the ground under our feet. Therefore, very good grounding and alignment of energies both above and below is extremely important in October.
Action and the birth of new projects are not so necessary. It takes an active grounding of oneself with upgraded energy and a broader view of everything that is happening at this moment in this time, here and now. That is how these much-needed changes will begin to be created.
October is the month of preparation so that we can live a richer life in all its forms.
I received a vision of more frequent migrations than before. Not in the sense of what has been happening in recent years, when economic and war migrations were happening and still are. These migrations will be the result of a change in consciousness and thus the attraction of another location, this force that activates you and draws you to a place where you want to spend more time.
My whole life, I’ve been called by tropical places. Soon, I will be able to spend even more time there than before, and it will become my reality. Something that has been on my vision board for years and years began to come to fruition with a retreat in Hawaii and continues in the Dominican Republic. At the same time, I also want to spend time in the mountains, so I am creating a combination of both worlds that will inspire me and that will give me this feeling of both boundlessness and groundedness, warmth and inner peace. Of course, sometimes I also think about why I didn’t have this consciousness and this energy when I was in my 20s. But I’m happy because every moment of my here and now has meaning, and that’s what means the most to me, besides freedom.
If you also want to fill your life with more of this, I warmly invite you to take some time just for yourself and retreat to tropical environment, which is offered by Hawaiian mastermind –Intuitive Leadership Retreat. We will be working on expanding consciousness and activating the intelligence of the heart, connecting with whales, dolphins, and the powerful energy of the volcano and the goddess Pele, as well as the energies of the island, which will take us through a deep inner transformation.
So October calls us to activity in any way we are led to by inner wisdom, whether it’s more physical activity or it’s more an activity of grounding spiritual ideas into this world. It’s about preparing for change. There is no exact idea of what this change will be. However, something will change in the area of physical movements. It can be different for everyone. There’s a more relaxed energy coming in about what we feel our home is and how attached we are to that idea.
Politics will begin to lose its influence, but slowly. This will be reflected in all spheres of our lives. People will start to act more according to their common sense than according to what is just a letter on paper and makes no sense. This is positive because it will also have to lead to a reorganization of our society and politics. There will be a mass awareness of the meaninglessness of written laws or rules things.
There will be more abundance. October is a month of abundance and thus, potent energy for creating abundance, which will probably be reflected in our wallets.
Capture the wave of abundance and let it take you into the new year and beyond. In October, you should also devote yourself to creating the foundation of material stability or consolidating it.
Your kindness will also be rewarded. Remember to share your abundance with the community in any way you can. It is recommended that at least a percentage of all energy generated is put back into the community. This energy can be in the form of material things, money, but it can also be non-material in the form of time, knowledge, etc.
I also share with love and pride the positive effects of chakra restructuring and new facilitators. You can safely rely on them to help you purify your energy field, restructure your chakras, remove the effects of the C-vaccine on your energy system if necessary, and share with you the intuitive information they will receive in the process.
In return, you receive much more stability in your life and all important areas. As our practitioners say, it can also open up new life opportunities that you may have longed for before, but have not yet made room for.
I could write that the restructuring of the chakras is indeed a “miraculous process”, but it is not. It is only to purify the field of wills and prepare it for the reception of higher-vibrational and more favorable energy into life.
I wish you success in laying and strengthening the foundations of your stability and acting for the good of yourself and everything.
With love, Tamara
There will be fresh energy present in October. Therefore, be mindful. You will be guided to seek balance in life. Only in this way can what you strive for be confirmed in the material world.
The biggest challenge of October will be how to get on this wave of abundance and joy that is present and ride it to the end. It will depend on your vibration.
Channel your energy into knowing that you are always divinely guided and safe because we live in a world where the risks are extremely high.