February is the month of consolidation. It may even seem like a boring month or a month in which nothing is happening.

However, this will not be the case, because the volatility of the month of January and the stagnant energy of the end of the previous year is finally disconnecting for those who managed to do the spiritual work and keep the vibration of the set direction and focus. Something new is being created through this process. Therefore, this will be a month of consolidation of the foundation on which you want to take your work, relationships, overall growth, and prosperity forward.

Consolidation will take place collectively in all previously unstable parts of our planet, indicating that the political situation in the war zones will slowly begin to calm down. But it also suggests that elsewhere, especially on the U.S.-Mexico border, tensions will rise. The message is coming that it will be more dangerous than ever there.

The advice that comes is to wait with bigger plans or changes because soon we will be shown the way forward. So, surrender to the rhythm of the energies available in February and use them to anchor yourself even more qualitatively into this moment. Ground yourself and act very grounded and with clarity.


This means that you are calm, stable, realistic, and connected to the present moment and the reality around you. That is, you do not act impulsively or excessively emotionally, but with awareness, maturity, inner balance, and diamond clarity.

Example of grounded action:

Imagine that you have an important meeting in which someone gives a critique of your work. If you are grounded:

  • you do not react emotionally or defensively;
  • you listen to the critic calmly, analyze it, and accept constructive feedback;
  • you assess the situation realistically and without dramatizing,
  • you don’t harbor personal grudges,
  • you maintain self-confidence because you are true to yourself and you know that criticism does not determine your value, but is only an opportunity for internal transformation and improvement, if necessary,
  • you adjust your approach in a way that supports your growth.

The opposite of grounded action would be to immediately get upset, defend yourself, or blame others.



In February, there will be more energy of stability, which will have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and on interpersonal relationships, in which only a little while ago there may have been too much anxiety, anger, or impatience.

The message is coming that we should take February as a month of preparation for expansion, growth, and stabilization of our intentions. How we can do this is to spend more time in contemplation, perhaps meditating, writing, planning, and drawing our intentions, thereby anchoring them first into all the cells in our body, the energy field, and finally into the material world.

This approach will also open the door to new opportunities towards the end of the month and to bring it all to life. If you could devote the first three weeks of February to just that, that would be ideal. If not, at least devote a day in the week or 15 minutes per day to it.


The biggest challenge will be for those who are used to constantly working in at least slightly stressful situations. In February the release of so much energy will be happening that will create more time and space. So those people who are constantly overloaded will no longer have to constantly work, be on guard, and create space and time to be able to fit everything into 24 hours of the day. So adrenaline junkies can have problems.


In February, energy can be released and create space and time in which it will be necessary to face yourself or relationships, especially romantic relationships. If you find yourself in such a situation, I strongly advise you to nurture yourself, work on self-love, and calm your mind to such an extent that you realize that it is enough to just be and that you do not need to do anything. Apply the same to the relationship and try to open your heart even more to authenticity, vulnerability, and the vision of the relationship you want in unconditional love.


The February energy will support you in realizing that it is enough to just be yourself, but also with yourself. Being alone with yourself, without something that requires your attention, will be the biggest challenge of the month for some, while for others it can be the greatest gift.

What does this mean to you?

March 7 – 15 2025
February 15 – 22  2025

This retreat blends serene relaxation, intuitive and mindset work in a tropical oasis on the north coast of the Dominican Republic to cultivate powerful energy for your next level.



I suggest the following visualization, which you can do in nature, preferably standing on a hill.

  1. Visualize yourself standing on a hill gazing ahead into a landscape that looks barren and desert-like. Feel the ground beneath your feet, feel your body in space, in the ether, feel your feet, toes, legs, hips, lower torso, upper torso, upper back, and shoulders, feel your left arm, left palm, right hand, right palm, feel your head and feel how you are connected to the source with an invisible but solid, flexible and vital energy cord that rises up from the tailbone through the spine upwards and through the crown upwards, connecting you directly to the source.
  2. Feel yourself connected to the fifth-dimensional aspect of Mother Earth through the tailbone down and through the feet down to the center of the fifth-dimensional Mother Earth.
  3. Stand in this connection for a while, feeling your body, and spread your arms wide as if you wanted to embrace the entire planet. Feel the energy flowing through your palms, the beautiful source of earthly and heavenly energy combined.
  4. Your palms can become warmer, you can feel tingling, and they can also become colder. Slowly begin to move your arms towards each other, but still keep them extended. The palms are facing each other. Feel the energy between your palms, you have created plasma. It’s a potent energy that you start sending from palm to palm. Play with it as if you were holding it between your palms somewhere at a distance of 30 to 40 cm.
  5. Then raise your palms above your head and release the energy over you. Turn your palms downwards, point them towards you, and shower yourself with this wonderful energy, which you then smooth over your energy body with your palms.
  6. Then look again in front of you into a landscape that was previously barren and which now appears to be a fertile landscape in which there are beautiful and rich plants, rivers and lakes, and friendly animals. You may even find his own unicorn in this paradise.
  7. Feel this landscape and yourself in it.
  8. Anchor this energy into your earth chakra.
  9. Then write down your impressions and, above all, your feelings in your diary.

Do this visualization at least three times in February, and then do a self-reflection of your notes and observations.



There is also a message coming that the old world is separating from the new and higher vibrational that is already here. With this, as has already been written in previous intuitive guidance, some old interpersonal ties may be broken. These can be like glue, and you may also feel the pain of this process in February.



Things will crystallize in relationships that may not have been so visible before but were harmful. It will also be easier to either break these relationships or take them to a new level if both parties are in favor of it or to heal them.

In February, there may also be sudden changes in the professional field or in relationships, as well as on the political or economic floor. These changes will be analogous to the quality of the foundations that we started strengthening back in August. Somehow in the style of when you build, build, build, higher and higher, and if the foundations are not solid, when you put the last pebble on your construction, it will collapse. The factor of great surprise can also be in the work here, but it will lead to a new, more potent, and more positive path.



Nature, it seems, will still show its strength, and of course, the human hand will help it in this. Because I see fires again, but this time on the other side of the world.

The message is also coming that no one is immune to the challenges of this world, but that we all have the power within us to establish this immunity and to overcome all the challenges we have created for ourselves. The power is only within us and does not come from outside. United in an understanding of oneness, we can achieve what may seem unattainable now.

7 TIPS FOR 2025

Here are also 7 tips for 2025 that I received before I set out to write this forecast, but they are important. These are:

  1. To achieve a positive transformation, strengthen your awareness of your power.
  2. Don’t let the drama of the outside world distract you from the path you’ve set for yourself.
  3. Act from the energy of unconditional love. This will make things easier to accomplish.
  4. Dedicate yourself to understanding the universal laws on the basis of which everything manifests.
  5. Surround yourself with people who lift you up vibrationally and don’t exhaust you.
  6. The more effort you put in, the more you receive back in the form of energy upgrades that lead to higher vibrations, abundance, health, and a deep sense of happiness and fulfillment.
  7. Use your talents for the good of everyone as well as yourself.

FREE RESOURCES that will help you connect to your inner guidance




I wish you a wonderful and stable month.

With love, Tamara


Energy philanthropy, on the basis of which I will be available one day a month for free for 25 min. breakthrough session that will help you grow both personally and professionally. If you feel that this will bring you value, you can donate to the best of your ability, but it is not necessary. I want everyone to have the opportunity to move forward, regardless of their financial capabilities. I will start in the first week of April when I return from my retreats. A link to book an appointment will always be published in Intuitive guidance of the month. The first booking option will be announced in March.


February will be favorable for all those who want to become independent in business or personally, who want to free themselves from toxic relationships, any addictions, or mental and energy cages.


Experiences of betrayal or manipulation can appear as memories and frozen emotions or as actual experiences.


Steer your energy into recognizing the truth by asking yourself how much love there is in a certain situation, relationship, desire, and, last but not least, the object or thing you want.

Tamara Belsak

Author Tamara Belsak

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